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Improving Business Through Offshore-Outsourcing

The world of outsourcing nowadays is getting bigger and bigger. We all know that companies from the US and UK are the first countries who outsourced their businesses outside the country or what we called as offshore outsourcing. We all know that India is still the leading outsourcing destination in the world today, followed by China and Philippines who also competing to India to the top.

The crazed of business outsourcing was tremendously uncontrollable because of the great benefits of it. I know that most of us already know why companies from the US and UK outsourced their businesses, to cut-costs, right? India and Philippines are the countries who have low costs of living, that’s why a lot of investors from US and UK decided to invest to these countries, as well as the potential competencies of these countries to boost-up their business was extremely huge.

It’s not easy to outsource your business outside the country if you have no proper outsourcing strategic plan. You should know the consequences that may possibly happen to your company before you decide to outsource. The first thing to do is of course finding the right partner who can help manage your business to improve, with a broad knowledge in business, and/or in the industry as well. After finding a right partner, and discussing your strategic plan with your partner, finding a right location for you company, to the country you have been outsource, and then finding a qualified staff.

However, a lot of investors nowadays are not just only focusing on their business to cut-costs, but also they go to countries and outsource their businesses, with a skillful workers and great competencies as well.

Hence, countries that have skillful and competitive workers are a huge advantage to lure a lot of investors to invest in their country.

August 22, 2008 - Posted by | Outsourcing | , , , ,


  1. Nice writing. You are on my RSS reader now so I can read more from you down the road.

    Allen Taylor

    Comment by Allen Taylor | August 22, 2008 | Reply

  2. Indeed a very informative writeup. I think outsourcing can be done not only for business purpose but also for acomplishing the personal tasks. too may be a good source to know more about outsourcing.

    Comment by Shubhranshu | August 22, 2008 | Reply

  3. Well.., Thanks for the comments guys.., I really appreciate it.. Hope you enjoyed reading my blogs..

    Comment by kobe245 | August 24, 2008 | Reply

  4. India though is facing a tough battle from Russia and small European countries, salary cost has gone up.

    Comment by chirax | August 27, 2008 | Reply

  5. well,. That’s a big problem now for many investors who just want outsource to cut costs. Thank’s for the comment..

    Comment by kobe245 | August 28, 2008 | Reply

  6. There are lots of virtual offices that are home based. Virtual assistant jobs are common nowadays. Some chose to work at home instead of working in an office.

    Comment by myndconsulting | June 5, 2009 | Reply

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